AN ANIMAL rights group is conducting a “sit in” protest at the Dairy Australia headquarters in Melbourne. About 20 activists this morning gained access to the Dairy Australia headquarters at Southbank demanding an end to the dairy trade.
Confronting footage of pigs apparently being forced into 'gas chambers' as they scream and try to escape before they are gutted and drained of blood has been captured by a group of animal activists.
Animal rights activists chained themselves to a Victorian pig slaughterhouse 'gas chamber' on Monday morning to protest against carbon dioxide stunning in the pork industry.
They are pictured thrashing about, desperately trying to escape and their death is slow and excruciating.
‘From their first lungful of gas, these pigs are burning from the inside out,’ Animal Liberation Victoria says of carbon dioxide stunning technique
A TWO-YEAR undercover investigation by animal activists reveals shocking footage on the widespread practice of killing pigs by carbon dioxide.
Julia, a 33 year old gorilla tragically died following a savage beating by Otana, a male silverback gorilla last Friday. The 33 year old mother had been a captive at Melbourne Zoo for the past 20 years.
Ag-gag laws are designed to keep the facts about animal abuses on factory farms secret from the general public. In addition to being a clear violation of the human right to freedom of speech, such laws endanger human health by failing to address unsanitary practices on factory farms that give rise to pandemics such as E-coli, MRSA, and salmonella.
Victoria's once flourishing chicken meat industry is facing collapse.
Chickens with no feathers, decomposed carcasses lying in cages and birds bloated with infections. Bald, emaciated and close to death: this is the shocking images on show inside a caged hen farm in Victoria.