Photo: Patty Mark, Founder of ALV and Manager of Liberation Sanctuary

Bequests: An Enduring Legacy

Leaving a bequest to Animal Liberation Victoria is a way to make a valuable and lasting contribution to animals.

As a small, mostly volunteer-run organisation, with limited resources we manage to cast a relatively tall shadow and roar loudly for all animals, whom we love and respect.

Your generous decision to leave a bequest to Animal Liberation Victoria will expand our ability and reach, from new innovative campaigns to the employment of much needed office staff.

Animal Liberation Victoria funds Liberation Sanctuary, a forever home for over 100 rescued animals. Your donation will help feed rescued animals, pay for much needed veterinary care and help maintain the sanctuary with shelter and fencing.

What is a Bequest?

A bequest is a provision in your will that names the recipient or partial recipients of your estate. In making a bequest to Animal Liberation Victoria you can specify an amount of money or a percentage of your estate, the remainder of your estate, or other items of personal property such as shares.

Whatever the size of your bequest, it is an easy and important way for you to continue helping animals.

Common Forms of Bequest

There are three common forms of bequest:

A Percentage Bequest

You nominate a percentage of your estate to be bequeathed to Animal Liberation Victoria

A Residual Bequest

Your estate will pay all debts, taxes, expenses and specific bequests. The remaining amount – the residue – will be transferred to Animal Liberation Victoria.

A Specific Sum

While a specific amount of cash is a common form of bequest it does not allow for inflation. The real value of the gift can prove to be substantially less than intended due to the effects of inflation between the time of making the will and the allocation of the assets. It is therefore preferable to allocate your estate by one of the above methods.

More Information

Download our ALV Bequest Information PDF for more information.

If you’re looking for a lawyer to help you, we recommend Daniel Beecher of Phoenix Legal Solutions. Phone: (03) 9480 0736. E-mail:

Get In Contact

If you would like assistance or more information about how to include us in your legacy, please use the form below to get in contact.

Alternatively you can ring our office on 0403 637 282 (please leave a message if we can’t respond immediately).