Food production is responsible for a quarter of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. But did you know that some foods and farming methods can actually remove more carbon from the atmosphere than they emit?
News that the Live Export of sheep will be phased out by 2028 heralds a welcome end to this horrific practice.
A tribute to ALV's founder and President, who has spent a lifetime defending animals.
A brief glimpse into the terror and trauma animals regularly experience
Charges were dropped for activists, but an American beagle facility is still abusing dogs.
URGENT - the Victorian Government has set up a Parliamentary Inquiry into the welfare of pigs in Victoria. YOU now have a platform to speak up for pigs. To stand beside them and say NO to the brutal existence and excruciating deaths in gas chambers we force upon them.
Christmas, at its best, is a time to gather with loved ones and for advancing peace and goodwill.
Mares in foal and mares with foals at foot, to face a mass slaughter in August.
On World Day for the End of Fishing, we're launching an animation about fish who are subjected to aquaculture.
The recent Australian floods in New South Wales and Queensland have taken a devastating toll on local communities. Unprecedented rainfall, exacerbated by the effects of climate change, has affected not only humans but also thousands of animals used in farming and agriculture.