Published 30 December 2015
These cars are an easy and extremely effective way to spread the message of compassion to thousands of people.
Watch out for our ever growing fleet of kind cars in 2016!
If you drive a lot and want to join the fleet please get in touch, it doesn’t cost you a thing.
You can also help sponsor a car by donating, here.
The number of humans on the Earth has exploded, rising from 2.5 billion in the 1950s to 8+ billion in 2024. Now, data shows that as individuals, people are eating more animals than ever.
The global production of farmed fish is experiencing rapid growth, with fish farms now supplying over 50% of the world's fish and shrimp consumed by humans.
Snap, write, share and donate - for free! You can raise $1USD for each review of vegan food or products to support ALV.
The world's largest land-based wildlife slaughter is happening to Australia’s iconic kangaroos, considered a pest on the land they have lived in for over 20 million years.
There are so many different ways to support the liberation of animals.
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