Published 22 May 2024
Since the early 80s, Animal Liberation Victoria (ALV) activists, along with other animal rights groups, have protested the shocking and abusive conditions sheep have endured on these floating barges of death.
With thousands of sheep crammed into massive ships for weeks, barely able to move and often unable to access food or water, many thousands would die on the journey. In hot weather, sheep have been known to ‘cook’ to death in the heat.
above: ALV has been protesting against Live Export for many decades. Photos from our Ban Live Export Rally in Melbourne at the Victorian Parliament in 2011
So, good riddance to this terrible trade. However, it’s important to realise this isn’t an end to cruelty to sheep. The Australian government is investing $107 million dollars into the transition, with $64.6 million to “assist sheep producers with capitalising on existing and emerging opportunities” and just $2.6 million toward “improving sheep welfare standards so they meet community expectations”.
The phase-out and eventual ban does not apply to the export of live sheep by air, which will still be permitted.
Live sheep exports are in decline, making up only 1% of Australia’s sheep trade, so the transition to domestic slaughter is motivated more by profit than concern for animal welfare.
The UK has comprehensively banned the live export of ALL animals, including cows, sheep and pigs, without a phase-out period.
With more sheep than ever facing freezing winters, relentless summers, cruel tail docking and mulesing (removal of skin around a sheep’s bottom without anesthesia) and a terrifying end at a slaughterhouse, we have a long way to go – see SheepTruth for more information
The most meaningful way to help sheep and all animals, is to become vegan and avoid all animal products, including wool. There are much kinder ways to keep warm – see our article wool-free winter wears
For free help going vegan, take the 30-day Challenge at
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A tribute to ALV's founder and President, who has spent a lifetime defending animals.
A brief glimpse into the terror and trauma animals regularly experience
Charges were dropped for activists, but an American beagle facility is still abusing dogs.
URGENT - the Victorian Government has set up a Parliamentary Inquiry into the welfare of pigs in Victoria. YOU now have a platform to speak up for pigs. To stand beside them and say NO to the brutal existence and excruciating deaths in gas chambers we force upon them.
Christmas, at its best, is a time to gather with loved ones and for advancing peace and goodwill.
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